- Catherine Giunta, Ph.D.
- Gary Hypes, M.B.A., J.D., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., C.F.E.
- Paul W. Mahady, Jr., D.B.A.
- Lyzona Marshall, M.B.A.
- Doina Vlad, Ph.D.
- Roland Warfield, M.B.A., C.P.A., C.I.A., C.G.M.A.
The business administration program is designed to provide the broad background needed for a position in contemporary business. It allows the student to combine personal experience, the many resources of the University, and professional aspirations. Actual work experience is a part of the program.
Learning Objectives: Business Administration
- Synthesize quantitative and qualitative data in problem-solving and decision-making.
- Comprehend the challenges and rewards of issues in business.
- Develop skills relevant to a specialized area of business study as evidenced in the portfolio requirements.
- Use theoretical frameworks from functional business areas to interpret and analyze business situations and communicate results to others.
- Develop critical and analytical skills to excel in work and/or graduate study.
- Incorporate ethical, global, value-based decision-making in business situations.
Business administration students who have one or more years of professional work experience that is beyond the clerical capacity may apply for a replacement for the internship and will be required to complete additional upper level accounting, business, or business-related courses to substitute for the SBU 430 requirement. The internship replacement request form affords students the opportunity to documenttheir professional experience. The student submits the form and her/his resume to the Registrar’s Office. The documents are scanned and forwarded to the Business Administration Internship Replacement Review Committee (BAIRRC) to evaluate the student’s experiences and to determine whether or not the replacement is approved. If the replacement is approved, the advisor discusses the appropriate course work with the student, records the courses chosen on the form, signs it, and sends the form to the Registrar’s Office.
All candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree in business administration must complete the Liberal Arts Curriculum requirements, the capstone assessment requirement, and the required courses for the major and develop competency in written and verbal business communication skills.
The capstone assessment includes successful completion of a showcase portfolio. Students are required to present how their professional identity is solidified by study in the liberal arts.
A minimum of 120 credits is required.