2022-2023 University Catalog 
    Oct 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission to Seton Hill University

Undergraduate Admissions

Undergraduate Admissions

Online Bachelor’s Degree and Certificate Program Admissions

Online Bachelor’s Degree and Certificate Program Admissions

Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

Deferring Admission - Graduate Programs

A student who has been accepted to Seton Hill University may defer her/his enrollment for a period of one semester or one year with the consent of the program director for the student’s program of study. Deferred admission is contingent upon availability of seats in the program. If the student does not enroll after the period agreed upon (a maximum period of one year), a new application for admission will be required.

Appeals on Denial of Admission - Graduate Programs

If an applicant questions a denial for admission, the Director of Graduate and Adult Studies will review the person’s application file with the appropriate Program Director. The Director of Graduate and Adult Studies will then contact the applicant to report the decision. If the applicant remains dissatisfied with the decision, she/he has the option to appeal the decision to the Provost. The appeal is then presented to a Graduate Admissions Review Committee, and a final decision is rendered. No more than one appeal will be presented for a student.

Application Materials

All applications, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other documents submitted for review of the student’s application and admission become the property of Seton Hill University upon receipt and will not be returned to the applicant.

Final High School Transcripts

Seton Hill University requires documentation showing that each student who matriculates (enters into a degree or certificate program) at the undergraduate level has completed and received a diploma from a secondary school. This must be in the form of an official final high school transcript, an actual diploma or “leaving certificate”, or some other official document. For graduate degree or certificate-seeking students, an official transcript from a postsecondary institution that provides evidence of at least two years of postsecondary work (60 or more semester credits) acceptable for full credit toward a baccalaureate degree is allowed.

In the case of a student who completed secondary education in a country other than the United States, all documents showing completion of tests, awards, etc. must be presented, and these will be reviewed by the Registrar’s Office in the absence of the final high school transcript.

Documents must be received no later than mid-semester of the student’s first term of attendance. The student will not be permitted to enroll for any subsequent semester of study without the required documentation.

Admission Revocation Policy

I. Purpose 

Seton Hill University reserves the right to revoke an offer of admission under certain  circumstances, and at any time, including after a student is in attendance at the  University. 

II. General Policy 

A. Materially Incomplete or False Information 

When applying to Seton Hill University, applicants certify that the information they  submit during the admission process is their own work, factually true, and honestly  presented. The University relies on the integrity of that information. The University  reserves the right to revoke admission should the information an applicant certified prove to be materially incomplete or false, and applicants expressly acknowledge that  revocation right when they apply to the University. 

B. Dissatisfactory Academic Performance 

Each offer of admission is contingent on the admitted applicant satisfactorily  completing any schoolwork in progress at the time the offer is extended. The  university therefore reserves the right to revoke admission if an admitted applicant  fails to meet those conditions, including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) a significant drop in academic performance or (2) failure to  graduate from the academic program in progress at the time of admission. 

Some other offers of admission may be contingent on additional, fact-specific  conditions, including but not limited to completion of required coursework or  attendance at and successful completion of a university-sponsored pre-orientation  academic program. Such conditions will be conveyed clearly and in writing at the  time an offer of admission is made. 

C. Inappropriate Behavior 

Each offer of admission is also contingent on the admitted applicant continuing to  uphold high standards of character in activities outside the classroom. The University  therefore reserves the right to revoke admission if the University learns that an  admitted applicant has engaged in behavior prior to attendance that indicates a  significant lack of judgement, integrity, or moral character. While Seton Hill  University does not proactively track student social media activity, if the University is  are aware of activity which creates concern, it will be investigated.

III. Process 

Academic and non-academic misconduct by an individual occurring prior to  commencement of attendance is not subject to the Seton Hill University Student Code of Conduct or the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Therefore, those procedures do  not apply in such instances. 

The University may revoke an offer of admission on any of the above bases at any time,  including after an admitted applicant has commenced attendance at the University. 

A. Committee Review 

In the event the University receives notice of one of the foregoing issues that  implicates a basis for revocation, the Vice President for Enrollment Management will  convene a committee of University officials to review the conduct at issue. Examples  of committee members include: 

• University admissions counselor 

• Dean of Students 

• Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs 

• Admitted applicant’s coach 

• Graduate program director (in matters involving graduate students) 

Based on the specific facts and circumstances of the conduct, the committee will  provide a recommendation regarding admission. 

B. Final Determination 

The Vice President for Enrollment Management, in consultation with the Provost,  will review the committee’s recommendation and make the final determination  regarding admission.