2022-2023 University Catalog 
    Oct 27, 2024  
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Mission Statement

Seton Hill is a Catholic university rooted in Judeo-Christian values. In the tradition of Elizabeth Ann Seton, we educate students to think and act critically, creatively, and ethically as productive members of society committed to transforming the world.

Learning Objectives

Upon receipt of a baccalaureate degree from Seton Hill University, a graduate will be able to integrate disciplinary and liberal arts curriculum learning to demonstrate the following:

1. Communication and Problem Solving

1.1  Express ideas clearly, in written, multimodal, and oral communication, considering purpose, audience, and format.  

1.2  Analyze issues, make decisions, and address problems using critical thinking.

1.3  Demonstrate leadership, including negotiation, relational, consensus-building, and teamwork skills.

1.4  Communicate and express ideas through the arts.

1.5  Integrate appropriate technologies to solve problems, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

2.1 Relate effectively across various linguistic and cultural settings.

2.2 Use time, place, and social change as frameworks for analyzing social developments from multiple disciplinary perspectives.

2.3 Evaluate current and historical events through the lens of spirituality and global social justice.

2.4 Critique privilege and oppression from the perspective of diverse identities.

3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry, Reasoning, and Expression

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret numerical data.

3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and organize, primary and secondary sources, including expressive media, to comprehend the significance of an issue or an event.

3.3 Interpret quantitative and qualitative information to formulate positions to reach conclusions or to present a logical argument.

3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple ideas and worldviews.

4. Reflection and Self-Assessment

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making grounded in philosophical inquiry.

4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching to the analysis of contemporary social issues.

4.3 Explain the value of diverse spiritual and religious perspectives.

4.4 Integrate the action of charity with the virtue of justice.

4.5  Exercise responsible freedom and civic engagement based on an informed  value system.

5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

5.1  Model ethical behavior, responsible freedom, and engaged citizenship.

5.2  Demonstrate accountability, effective work habits, and the ability to assess areas necessary for professional, personal, and societal growth.

5.3  Identify and articulate skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to one’s career goals.

5.4 Complete experiential learning to pursue professional opportunities.


Requirements for Degree

Seton Hill University grants these degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. For Master’s level degrees, see the specific program’s section for requirements. Any student who has completed the following is eligible to receive the undergraduate degree appropriate to the curriculum chosen:

  1. a minimum total of 120 credits earned; including the last 30, while registered at Seton Hill.

  2. a cumulative grade point average of C (2.0) or better, an average of C (2.0) or better in courses required for each of the major(s), an average of C (2.0) in courses required for each of the minor(s), and an average of C (2.0) in courses required for the Liberal Arts Curriculum.

  3. the completion of a capstone assessment for the major.

  4. the completion of the Liberal Arts Curriculum.

  5. the completion of courses required for an academic major or an approved self-designed major. A maximum of 30 credits of experiential learning experiences may be counted toward the degree. At least one half of the credits required for any major or minor must be earned at Seton Hill.

    • Multiple majors: Students may choose to complete more than one major. For any major after the first major, at least 12 credts of the coursework required must be outside those courses and credits required for any other major.

    • Minors: Students may choose to complete one or more minors. At least 9 credits of the coursework required for the minor must be outside the courses and credits required for the student’s major and any other minor.

  6. a formal application for degree which must be submitted to the Registrar before the beginning of the last semester of study and not later than March 15 or the Friday before if March 15 falls on a weekend (for expected May or June graduation), June 15 or the Friday before if June 15 falls on a weekend (for expected August graduation), or October 15 or the Friday before if October 15 falls on a weekend (for expected December or January graduation).

Requirements for Second Bachelor’s Degree

  1. A student who has a baccalaureate degree from Seton Hill may earn a second Bachelor’s degree by satisfying the requirements of the major and earning at least 30 Seton Hill credits after the first degree was awarded and completing the capstone assessment for the major.

  2. A student who wishes to earn two different baccalaureate degrees from Seton Hill in the same semester must satisfy the requirements of the major in each degree program and the capstone assessment for each major and must additionally complete at least 30 credits beyond the 120 credits required for the Bachelor’s degree.

  3. A student who has a Bachelor’s degree from another institution may earn a second Bachelor’s degree by satisfying the requirements of the major and earning at least 30 Seton Hill credits and completing the capstone assessment for the major. At least one half of the credits required for the major must be earned at Seton Hill.

Writing Intensive Courses

Writing serves many purposes, including communication, self-expression, exploration of new ideas, presentation of information, debate, reflection, and learning. At Seton Hill, students write for a wide variety of contexts in and out of the classroom. Recognizing that writing differs based on its purpose and its audience becomes an essential skill for success. Having the flexibility to write in multiple modes prepares students for the writing contexts they will encounter in the world. As a part of this preparation, students practice the building blocks of academic writing and learn to make strong arguments about cultural issues in the first year writing courses. Seton Hill students also learn the writing conventions, contexts, and techniques unique to their disciplines in special courses designated as “writing intensive”. Bachelor degree students are required to take at least one writing intensive course in their major for graduation and may choose additional writing intensive courses as electives.

Capstone Assessment

Competency demonstration of the learning objectives is shown through required activities unique to each major program. Common to the capstone assessment are student activities that demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives in the major field, as informed by the University’s learning objectives. The specific requirements for the major capstone assessment are found in the catalog along with the major requirements.

The capstone requirement for second degree students will be a modified assessment appropriate to their previous completion of general education or liberal arts requirements. The details of the modified capstone assessment will be determined by the supervisor for the capstone requirement for the major. At the time of matriculation, the academic advisor will ensure that the student and the supervisor for the capstone assessment communicate regarding the details (requirements) for the student’s capstone assessment.

Philosophy and Educational Objectives of Graduate Study

As a liberal arts university, rooted in Judeo-Christian philosophy and in the Catholic intellectual tradition, Seton Hill is committed to the holistic development of students who are pursuing graduate education. By providing advanced study within a liberal arts context, Seton Hill University aims to contribute to the preparation of highly qualified professional women and men whose education will enable them to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and enjoy fruitful personal and professional lives.

Seton Hill believes that the preparation of persons for specialized careers within a small, private university permits greater attention to all aspects of individual development - intellectual, social, moral, aesthetic, and physical. It hopes in turn that these professionals will share their knowledge and talents with those whose lives they touch.

In order to realize this philosophy, Seton Hill University expects every candidate for a master’s degree or graduate certificate to achieve the following objectives:

  • Acquire the skills and intentional dispositions of a reflective practitioner in the discipline being mastered and establish a professional philosophy, which integrates theory, practice, research, and methodology.
  • Develop as an emerging innovative scholar-practitioner, observing, analyzing, critiquing, and evaluating the discipline, its current research, research methodology, and the relationship between its theory and practice.
  • Advocate as a social change agent aware of one’s personal value system and its impact on professional practice, as well as one’s social responsibility to the profession and to society.
  • Demonstrate mastery of practical skills appropriate to the discipline, as an effective, adaptable, and creative practitioner capable of developing new knowledge in the field and applying it in innovative ways.
  • Apply a critical and reflective awareness of professional and ethical standards appropriate to the discipline.
  • Develop effective communication skills, especially written and oral skills, within a multimodal discourse.
  • Describe how a discipline develops within the context of a multi-cultural and pluralistic society and identify how to address bias, prejudice, and intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.